Orders Of Protection

30+ Years Of Legal Experience Handling Family Law Orders Of Protection In New York

An order of protection is an important legal remedy for victims of spousal abuse or family violence. Unfortunately, it can also become a tool for leverage in divorce and custody proceedings.

Whether you are seeking or challenging an order of protection, I can respond with the urgency and legal knowledge to protect your interests. I am family law attorney Keith Schulefand and I have more than 30 years of family law experience. I can apply my years of experience in this complicated area of the law to protect your best interests.

Email my firm today to schedule a consultation to talk about your situation.

Are You Seeking An Order Of Protection?

If you have been assaulted or threatened, or if you fear for the safety of yourself or your child, you can obtain a temporary order of protection. This emergency protection order will require that the abuser be removed from your home and have no contact with you or your children. The order is granted by a judge until a formal hearing is held (usually within a week).

I can help present evidence for a permanent order of protection. While temporary orders are readily granted, a judge will require substantial proof before issuing a permanent order, which typically lasts 12 months.

Have You Been Served With An Order Of Protection?

New York courts take allegations of domestic violence very seriously. If you are in the middle of divorce or custody proceeding, or if a proceeding follows the issuance of a protective order, you will be at a distinct disadvantage. It is critical to challenge a protection order aggressively and properly. There may be consequences for your freedom, your parental rights, your employment and other aspects of your life.

Most likely you are also facing criminal charges of domestic assault or violation of a protective order. In Erie County, the family court and criminal court have been combined as the integrated domestic violence court (IDV) to address the issues as one.

I am familiar with family law judges in the greater Buffalo area and surrounding communities. I know the rules and procedures to ensure your legal rights are protected.

Contact A Skilled Attorney Today

Whether you seek an order of protection or wish to defend against one, I can help. Email my office today to set up a free consultation to talk about the situation and possible recourse options.

Keith B. Schulefand, Esq


501 John James Audubon Pkwy
Ste 300
Amherst, NY 14228

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Tel: 716-870-5009

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